Big Ben
The London Eye
Trafalgar Square
Piccadilly Circus
Covent Gardens
Buckingham Palace
The above were all a part of an insane scavenger hunt that took place on the first Sunday we were in London. I have pictures of all of them now, but I know almost nothing about them. As we were walking past Big Ben, I realized that I had no idea what it even was. (It's attached to the build that houses parliament.) So, we took our typical tourist pictures of all of them and I promised to return soon so I could become acquainted with who they actually were. The scavenger hunt was impeded by some type of bike race taking place from Picadilly Square to Big Ben, so we did a lot of extra walking to get around fence barriers.
Covent Gardens - Very crowded on Sunday |
Big Ben - Always Crowded |
The London Eye - We only got this close because we were exhausted by the time we got there |
Buckingham Palace - No Queen today |
I'm a nerd. I didn't realize how much I loved learning until I got here. I actually promised that I would only take 14 hours this semester so I could make sure I have time to see the sights. Well, guess what - I'm in 18 now, and in 4 units that won't even be for credit. Why? I'm a huge, unashamed nerd. Here's a list of the classes I'm taking and why I love them.
1. British Literature
Probably the most important of my classes as it actually counts towards my major, but also probably my favorite. I mean, how much better can you get than studying British Literature in London? It's an English major's dream. I mean, Charles Dicken's house is in London, the first word in Bleak House is London. (Tale of Two Cities is my FAV book) Shakespeare. The Globe. (for which I have tickets to in October :D)
2. Humanities
Mostly a class on art in the medieval times and the renaissance. This is a topic I know very little about and am eager to learn as much as possible. I have not one, but two incredible professors for this class, one of which meets us at the National Gallery every Monday night and shares with us the history of several paintings. All I can say is that I now have a huge interest in art. Amazing.
3. History of the English Monarch
This is the class that doesn't actually count for anything, which is sad because more people need to be in this class. We went to Buckingham Place for the first class. Not around it, not next to it, IN IT. Guys, I've walked on the same steps as the Queen, and I get to be more than an observer of these things, I get to engage with them and learn the personalities of the past kings and queens of England. Last week we walked the perimeter of the Whitehall Palace, or at least the ghost of it, (Whitehall was the biggest palace in Europe but was burned down. In it's place are the modern government buildings, including the prime minister's house.) I can't rave enough about this class.
4. Theater Appreciation.
I love theater soooooooooooo much and now I get to see 6 plays in the birthplace of theater. It's unthinkable, but it's happing to me. Also, it's a very small class with only 3 people and I love how intimate it is. I love the plays we've read and the insight they give into the minds of the more modern English person (the 1940's is modern in my mind now).
5. Science as a Way of Knowing
Well, we can't all be winners. I actually love science, but this class apparently translates to sport science, which - ughhhhh. I appreciate the professor and his attempt to appeal to the greatest number of people, but he couldn't have picked a worse topic for me. The important thing about this class is that I counts for my lab science and doesn't really contain that much actual lab science.
There they are. I thought it was going to be hard to do classes and travel at the same time, but I love almost all of my classes and I think they will enrich my time abroad, not hinder it. Besides, I only have 4 days of classes a week and I'm done by noon on Thursday. It's really and incredible opportunity.
Alright, now that we've actually gotten through the first two weeks, be excited for even more things to come in the future.